The Project of The Varese Prealpine Salami was born in 2005, thanks to the will of the ASL, the Province and the Chamber of Commerce of Varese, in collaboration with Dr. Bonacina, to unite in a single consortium the different producers of cured meats present in the Varese area to produce with a single and always better quality standard and under a single name, that salami that everyone has always done individually in a non-synergistic way. This is the historic "filzetta" produced in the province of Varese with pure pork meat, with a final weight between 400 grams and a kilo, ground with molds between 6 and 8 mm, tied by hand with dark rope and with a particular aromatic tanning, prepared by macerating the Thymus Vulgaris (spontaneous on the hills of the varesotto) in wine, operation that characterizes and distinguishes the Varese Prealpine Salami from other similar products. The dough thus obtained is stuffed a natural casing, tied by hand, dried in forced air rooms or with the use of traditional braziers. The final seasoning and refinement lasts at least five weeks. When placed on the market, the Prealpino Varesino Salami must have the numbered sticker issued by the Consortium. Buy online or find the store closest to you the Salame Prealpino Varesino Salame Prealpino Varesino .- Salumificio Colombo, Crosio della Valle (VA)